Ellen Page is a 21 years old Actress from Canada.
She was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, under the name Ellen Philpotts-Page.
Ellen Page's birthday is 21 February, 1987 & Her star sign is Pisces.
Her height is 5' 1" (1.55 m), She has a Brown - Dark hair & Brown - Light Eyes.
Her nickname is: The Tiny Canadian.
Ellen Page's build is Slim.
Her list of relationships includes the names: Ben Foster.
Ellen Page won 16 award[s]: ACTRA Maritimes Award for his role on Marion Bridge in 2003, Canadian Award for his role on The Tracey Fragments in 2007, Atlantic Canadian Award for his role on Wilby Wonderful in 2004, COFCA Award for his role on Juno in 2008, CFCA Award for his role on Juno in 2007, Gemini for his role on "ReGenesis" in 2005, Gemini for his role on Mrs. Ashboro's Cat in 2004, Breakthrough Award for his role on Juno in 2007, Hollywood Breakthrough Award for his role on in 2007, Independent Spirit Award for his role on Juno in 2008, Sierra Award for his role on Juno in 2007, NBR Award for his role on Juno in 2007, PFCS Award for his role on Juno in 2007, Satellite Award for his role on Juno in 2007, TFCA Award for his role on Juno in 2007, VFCC Award for his role on The Tracey Fragments in 2008,
She also had 16 award nomination[s], including: Oscar, Critics Choice Award, Chlotrudis Award, Empire Award, Genie, Golden Globe, National Movie Award, OFCS Award, Virtuoso Award, Actor, Young Artist Award
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